
Animator | Illustrator | Dragon Enthusiast


What I did

  • Created pages: "About", "Blogs", "Library", "Sitemap", "Diary", "Changelog"
  • Organised all pages.
  • Embedded email shortcut and 'Chattable' iframe element to page "About".
  • Condensed "Library" and "Recipe" categories into "Blogs" category
  • Removed superfluous buttons from top navigation section.
  • Created and added new gif button to reflect above change.
  • (Day before) Fixed sitewide CSS formatting - Now there's a proper margin between the content and the site of the page.
  • (Day before) Added 'Chattable' iframe element.
  • All directories are now working, and should hopefully not need any more reformatting.
  • Reformatted 404 page to direct to homepage.

What's next

  • Create pages: "Japan 2024", "Byrdie Babbles" (!)
  • Embed iframe elements connected to "Blog" categories into homepage
  • Embed iframe elements connected to "Gallery" categories into homepage

What's later

  • Create pages: "Gallery" category pages, "Library" Category pages, Recipe pages, Shrine pages, Pets pages.
  • Upload content to Blog and Gallery categories
  • Add images to About section
  • Embed links to Youtube and Instagram into About section
  • Create and add header image
  • Create and add more permanent background
  • Create RSS feed